A Comparison of Attitudes towards Virtual YouTubers and Behavioral Responses to Product Placement of Thai and Japanese consumers

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Worawan Ongkrutraksa


This study aims to 1. explore the nature of product placement on YouTube in Thailand and Japan. 2. compare the differences between exposure, attitudes towards various aspects (products, content, innovations such as virtual YouTubers and culture), and behavioral responses of Thai and Japanese consumers to product placement on YouTube. This study used the mixed-research method. In-depth interviews with 4 samples (2 Thai and 2 Japanese) who related to advertising or YouTube and online questionnaires from 400 samples. (200 Thai and 200 Japanese). The data were analyzed by T-test to compare the mean score differences. The result of the in-depth interview showed that although Virtual YouTubers have not been viewed by large consumer groups, they reached a niche group and may be used more in the future. Three of the interviewees agreed that consumers are more internationally oriented in general. On the other hand, one Japanese commented that the number of Japanese people who put their own country first is on the rise more than in the past. The results of the hypothesis testing revealed that Japanese attitudes toward products, content, innovations, and behavioral responses were higher than Thais. Except for the cultural attitude towards internationalization, Thais are statistically significantly higher than the Japanese. The results of this research can be used for international advertising planning. By using virtual YouTube for Thai people, should be presented for enjoyment. For Japan, virtual YouTubers may be on the rise. Therefore, measures must be taken to be aware of the consequences that may occur when technology cannot be controlled. And Thais are more international than the Japanese. Therefore, the target audience must be examined first to determine what kind of content presentation is appropriate.


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