Exploring A Political Leader as A Personal Brand: A Case of Bangkok Governor
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This quantitative research employed an online survey method. The objectives were to: 1) explore personal political brand characteristics (Chadchart Sittipunt), attitude toward his social media communication, and intention to vote, 2) analyze the influences of personal political brand characteristics on attitude toward social media communication and intention to vote, 3) compare the differences between Generation X, Y and Z voters, in terms of the aforementioned variables, and 4) compare the differences between voters with different political orientations, in terms of such variables. The data were drawn from 465 voters across multiple districts in Bangkok, Thailand. The results indicated that the respondents had a good perception on Chadchart Sittipunt’s characteristics (M = 4.36), positive attitude toward his social media communication (M = 4.01), and high intention to vote for him (M = 4.06). Competency had a significant influence on voters’ attitude toward Chadchart Sittipunt’s social media communication (b = 0.368), whereas competency, integrity, and charisma had significant influences on their intention to vote (bs = 0.35, 0.196, and 0.343, respectively). In addition, voters with different generations and political orientations were different in such behaviors.
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