Causal Factors in Thai Elderly Purchase Decision for Health Products via Online Channels
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This research aims to study the economic status, lifestyle, marketing communication, brand equity, satisfaction, trust, and Thai elderly purchase decision for health products via online channels. The study also seeks to identify the factors that explain the decision to purchase health products through online channels of Thai elderly. Additionally, a structural equation model of causal factors in Thai elderly purchase decision for health products via online channels is developed, and its consistency with empirical data is examined. This research was a quantitative research employing the survey method. A questionnaire was employed as a tool for data collection from individuals aged 60 years and older, characterized by their engagement with online social media platforms and previous engagement in online purchasing of health products, with a total sample size of 300 participants. Statistical techniques such as factor analysis and structural equation model are employed to analyze the data. The findings reveal that trust emerges as a significant factor that influences the decision to purchase health products through online channels among Thai elderly. It exhibits the highest positive direct influence and overall influence on the purchasing decision at the statistical significant level of 0.01. The structural equation model of causal factors in Thai elderly purchase decision for health products via online channels aligns with the empirical data. The model's concordance is evaluated based on several indices, and it meets the specified criteria: 1) Relative Chi-square = 1.855 (less than 3.00), 2) Comparative Fit Index = 0.951 (more than 0.90), 3) Non-normed Fit Index = 0.902 (more than 0.90), 4) Non-normed Fit Index = 0.940 (more than 0.90), and 5) Incremental Fit Index = 0.952 (more t
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