The Role and The Value of Digital Media for PR Practitioner

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Apichat Puksawadde
Panurit Sarasomabat


The research aimed to investigate the use of digital media for PR practitioner, explain the elements of the role of PR practitioner in the context of digital media, and analyze the elements of the value of digital media towards PR practitioner. The research employs a methodology with data being analyzed quantitatively. A sample of 400 PR practitioners was purposively selected form PR Executive, PR practitioner and digital marketing communicator using both purposive and snowball samplings. In terms of exploratory factor analysis, the elements of role of PR practitioner in the context of digital media were categorized into 4 groups: 1) role of change management 2) role of corporate communication 3) role of expertise and 4) role of situational management. The value of digital media to promote knowledge and understanding of PR practitioner were classified 4 groups: 1) to know and understand digital media 2) to know and understand concept & theory of PR digital media 3) to handle digital media knowledge management and 4) to apply digital media to perform PR operations. The value of digital media to promote PR practitioner’s ideas were classified 2 groups: 1) to foster creativity and 2) to foster strategic thinking. The value of digital media to promote practitioner’s skills were classified 2 groups: 1) PR operations skill and 2) message design and media production skill. The value of digital media to promote PR practitioner’s talent promotion were classified 2 groups: 1) to promote to be digital media executive and 2) to promote to be PR Executive.

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