Influence of Technology Acceptance and Use, Satisfaction and Engagement on Intention to Continue Use through Online Application for Shopping

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Pannathadh Chomchark


This quantitative research was objective to study the influence of technology acceptance and use, satisfaction, engagement, and engagement that affects the Intention to continue use through online applications for shopping. The tools used in the research are online questionnaires and data from sample groups who have been purchasing through the online application (495 people in Bangkok and Vicinity). The statistics used in data analysis were frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, skewness, and kurtosis. A structural equation model was used to analyze. Finding are (1) Technology acceptance and use positive exerts effects on satisfaction and engagement. (2) Satisfaction positively exerts effects on engagement. (3) Satisfaction and engagement exert effects on intention to continue use. (4) Technology acceptance and use had no effects on intention to continue use. The finding showed that engagement was an important variable that had effects on increase the intention to continue use through online applications for purchase.

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