21st Century Skills and Perceived Self-Efficacy that Predicts Digital Content Creation and Sharing Behavior among Thai Youths

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Pornpun Prajaknate
Yubol Benjarongkij
Bu-nga Chaisuwan
Warat Karuchit


The objectives of this research were to: (1) examine 21st century skills, life skills, learning and innovation skills, and information, media and technology skills and digital content creation and sharing behavior among Thai youths (2) study factors that predict digital content creation and sharing behavior among Thai youths; and (3) propose practical recommendations to stakeholders to help develop 21st century skills for Thai youths.
The researchers employed mixed-method for this study. For survey research, questionnaires were distributed to 542 respondents who were studying in junior and senior high schools throughout Thailand. The data collection was undertaken from May to December, 2020. For qualitative research, a public forum consisting of 74 experts was conducted in January 2021.
The findings demonstrated that media skills, perceived self-efficacy, information skills, collaboration skills, digital skills, innovation and communication skills jointly predicted and explain the variance of digital content creation and sharing behavior among Thai youths at 49.8% (predictive coefficient = R2 = 0.498), with 0.01 significant level.
The findings led to practical recommendations for the government, schools and parents to develop a plan to improve knowledge and skills that are suitable for the context of the class and the age of the students. Parents should teach their children to use discretion in considering the media content before sharing. The environment in each household should be managed to have constructive conversation in order to improve 21st century skills of Thai youths in the perceived self-efficacy and digital content creation and sharing behavior.

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