Using Big Data in Crisis Management and Communications of Mobile Service Providers

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Nuttanan Wittayatechakul
Tatri Taiphapoon


This research on the application of big data in crisis management and communications by mobile service providers is conducted as a qualitative research. The aim of this study are to explain the big data application in crisis management and communications of mobile service providers as well as to examine the problems and obstacles concerning this issue. The research utilized in-depth interview method in which the interviewees were chosen on the basis of purposive sampling, dividing the interviewees into 3 distinct groups.

The result shows that there are 4 issues in regard to the big data usage in crisis management and communications of mobile service providers which are (1)the big data is applicable in every period of a particular crisis which are the pre-crisis, the crisis event and the post-crisis periods; (2)the crew who is in charge of the big data usage in crisis management focusing on communications and information technology; (3)the cooperation between the organizations and the agencies when the amount of big data inevitably exceeds the capacity of organization’s management and (4)the growing role of big data in crisis management and communications in the future based on the prediction of the existing big data.

            In addition, the research finds that there are problems and obstacles risen from the big data usage in crisis management and communications which are (1)the practical inefficiency of the big data; (2)the difficulty in predicting human behaviors; (3) the growing numbers of chatting application users; (4)the trusting in artificial intelligence; (5)the capability of the big data users and (6)the duration of process learning and practicing.


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