A Structural Equation Model of Thai Digital Citizens’ Artificial Intelligence Adoption in Marketing Communication

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พิทักษ์ ชูมงคล


This research is aimed to develop and validate a structural equation model towards the following objectives: (1) to explore Thai Digital Natives’ Lifestyles and their adoption of chat bot in marketing communication, (2) to develop a structural equation model for the adoption of chat bot in marketing communication of Thai Digital Natives, and (3) to test the congruence or the fit of the constructed structural equation model with the empirical evidence.  The study is conducted by quantitative research using questionnaires in collecting data from 150 Thai Digital Natives aged 15-24 years old. Statistical analysis composes of descriptive statistics, factor analysis, and structural equation model. The findings are as follow: 

1) From exploratory factor analysis, Lifestyles of Thai Digital Natives are classified into five groups: (1) digital addiction, (2) digital enthusiasm and versatility, (3) digital optimal literacy, (4) digital openness and flexibility, and (5) digital attachment with offline. 

2) From Structural Equation Model, the developed model is congruent with empirical data by the acceptable criteria of eight congruence indices: Chi-Square/df = 1.913, RMR = .027, NFI = .877, IFI = .937, TLI = .923, CFI = .936, PNFI = .723, and RMSEA = .078. The developed model by the researcher is thus congruent with empirical data as specified in the hypothesis.

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