Examining the Moderating Role of Consumer Determinants in the Relationship between Brand Equity and Behavioral Intentions: A Case of Nike Athletic Shoe Brand

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Hanh Thi My Tran
รองศาสตราจารย์ ดร.สราวุธ อนันตชาติ


The purpose of this paper is two-fold: first, to investigate the influence of brand equity on consumer’s behavioral intentions (i.e., repurchase, and recommend); second, to examine the moderating role of consumer determinants (i.e., trust, satisfaction, and perceived electronic word-of-mouth), which is associated with Nike sports shoe brand in Thailand. The study employs a quantitative approach in which the cross-sectional survey was made to collect the data in Bangkok. Target sample were 220 individuals aged from 18 to 25, studying and/or working in inner areas, who were also using Nike shoe brand. The findings illustrate that brand equity is positively related to behavioral intentions. In addition, trust, customer satisfaction, and perceived electronic word-of-mouth are found to moderate the strength of the effect of Nike’s brand equity on behavioral intentions.

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