National Image Construction for the First Royal Visit to Europe of King Rama V

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นภวรรณ ตันติเวชกุล


This research is a historical study aimed at studying the construction of national image of the First Royal Visit to Europe of King Chulalongkorn or King Rama V. Documentary analysis of the historical records is used as the basis of this qualitative investigation. Even though “Image Building” is the concept known as parts of modern public relations, but implementation of the concept is found in this study as King Rama V presented himself to create impression upon Europeans during his Royal Visit to Europe. The research results revealed that the image of Siam which the King aimed to present is the “civilized” image based on a reference frame of European countries who were the key players in global politics and his Majesty’s the King traveling destinations. Image of Siam was communicated through three main components conforming to the European traditions and norms namely the costumes, the official language which was English, and the well-behaved behaviors and refined manners of the King and his entourages. The construction of Siam’s Image was well-prepared and planned by King Rama the Fifth and his advisory board led by Chao Phya Abhai Raja (Rolin-Jaequemyns), who strongly believed that King Rama V’s visibly unique and pleasant personality would make a great impression upon all who observed and had a chance to meet him in person. This helped leverage the positive image of Siam.  Conclusively the construction of Siam’s image of the 1st royal visit to Europe had arisen in the context of international diplomacy communication. The visit provided opportunities for his Majesty the King to make a remark to the global community about the existence of Siam as the civilized country. It helped build the good impression about Siam in the eyes of European stakeholders and led to the nation’s sovereignty.

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