Media Exposure, Engagement with Trade Character and Brand Loyalty

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รุ่งโรจน์ รุ่งวิมลสิน
สุทธิลักษณ์ หวังสันติธรรม


The objectives of this study are: 1) to study consumers’ information exposure of trade character, engagement with trade character and brand loyalty, 2) to study the relationship between consumers’ information exposure of trade character and their engagement with trade character, and 3) to study the relationship between consumers’ engagement with trade character and their brand loyalty. Self-administered questionnaires were used to collect data from 400 respondents in Bangkok, aged 18 - 50 years old, including 200 respondents who had eaten at the Bar B Q Plaza within 3 months from the day of the survey and were aware of the trade character, "Bar B Gon" and 200 respondents who had used the services at PTT Oil Stations within 3 months from the day of the survey and were aware of the trade character, "Godji". Results show that: 1) Consumers were exposed to information of trade character at a medium level and demonstrated an engagement with trade character and brand loyalty at a high level. 2) Consumers’ information exposure of trade character showed a significant relationship with their engagement with trade character. 3) Consumers’ engagement with trade character also showed a significant relationship with their brand loyalty. In addition, the affective elements of engagement with trade character had the most influence towards brand loyalty. 4) Consumers’ gender and age differences had significantly different effects on engagement with trade character.

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