ย้อนพินิจและคิดไปข้างหน้า: วิจัยการสื่อสารการตลาดดิจิทัล 3.0

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พิทักษ์ ชูมงคล


Marketing academics have proposed the concept of Marketing 3.0, which treats consumers as customers who are creative and have participative desires. They possess a spirit for consuming based on earth- and society-responsible awareness. Products under Marketing 3.0 address not only physical needs but spiritual ones olso. Meanwhile, communications academics have proposed a ritualistic model of communication that consider this activity a process of co-meaning construction between two communicators and consider receivers as active audience who participate in creating meaning. When these two concepts are integrated to describe digital marketing communications, research-topic angles are revealed in which product content projected in digital marketing communications can deliver messages related to a product’s physical makeup and contain connotative meanings latent with values, beliefs and consumption culture. Searching to understand product meaning from both an entrepreneur’s production process of meanings and a receiver’s meaning of consumptions, the standpoint of concept presented in this article is based on concepts from the school of cultural studies. This school pays attention to the construction of. meanings that are expanded from individual viewpoints to a societal level by inviting readers to analyze texts presented by digital media including texts, still pictures, and videos. This method may be called Digital Marketing Communications Research 3.0, revealing the relationships between senders and receivers as well as between receivers and products linked by product meanings on digital media.

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