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สิริสา สุรการวิทย์
รุ่งนภา พิตรปรีชา


The objectives of research entitled “Congruency between Values and Video clip Sharing Behavior” were to examine congruency between values, attitude towards video-clip sharing and video-clip sharing behavior. The quantitative research method was employed. The online survey was conducted among 455 social media users. A sample size was obtained by using accidental technique. Results showed that 1) Values and attitude towards video-clip sharing were significantly congruent. People who have high level of values had more favorable attitude towards video-clip sharing than those who have low level of values 2) Values and video-clip sharing behavior were significantly congruent. People who have high level of values were more likely to share video-clip than those who has low level of values 3) Attitude towards video-clip sharing and video-clip sharing behavior were significantly congruent. People who have favorable attitude towards video-clipsharing were more likely to share video-clip than those who has unfavorable attitude towards video-clip sharing. 4) Values, attitude towards video-clip sharing and video-clip sharing behavior were only significantly congruent when attitude towards video-clip is represented ego-defensive function. People who have fun and pleasure values, creativity values or aesthetics values shared video-clip that its message corresponding with their values for protecting their images.


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