Approach to Development of Local Economic Capital to Increase the Capacity of Community Enterprise Entrepreneurs in Phetchaburi Province


  • Chumpon Rodjam -
  • Wutipong Janmuangthai
  • Jagraval Sukmaitree


Development of Local Economic Capital, Entrepreneurial Capacity, Community Enterprises


The objectives of this research are (1) to analyze the causal relationship pathways that influence the development of local economic capital to increase the capacity of community enterprise entrepreneurs in Phetchaburi Province. (2) To create guidelines for the development of local economic capital to increase the capacity of community enterprise entrepreneurs in Phetchaburi Province, and (3) to examine guidelines for the development of local economic capital to increase the capacity of community enterprise entrepreneurs in Phetchaburi Province. Using quantitative and qualitative research methodologies, data were collected from a sample of community enterprise entrepreneurs in Kaeng Krachan District, Phetchaburi Province. 360 people to study related factors. After that, it was brought to 9 experts to analyze and create the guidelines through group discussions, and then to 5 other experts to evaluate the guidelines for implementation. Structural Equation Models and Path Analysis The qualitative data section uses content analysis. The results show that the strategy of market and social capital has a positive direct influence on local economic capital and competitiveness. Local economic capital is an important transmission variable. The proposed development approach consists of 5 main approaches, 24 processes and 74 methods, covering multi-dimensional development. Social capital, innovation and technology, sustainability, and competitiveness. This approach has been evaluated at the "most" level in terms of accuracy, appropriateness, The average value is between 4.57 and 4.62, reflecting the potential for implementation to develop community enterprises in Phetchaburi Province in an efficient and sustainable manner.


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How to Cite

Rodjam, C. ., Janmuangthai, W., & Sukmaitree, J. (2024). Approach to Development of Local Economic Capital to Increase the Capacity of Community Enterprise Entrepreneurs in Phetchaburi Province. Journal of Innovation and Management, 9(2), 120–134. retrieved from



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