A Model of Technology Integration for Teaching for University Instructors in Guangxi, China


  • Yang Liu -
  • Poonpilas Asavisanu


Technology Integration, Teaching, University Instructors


This study developed a model to enhance technology integration for university instructors in Guangxi, China. The objectives of the study were: 1. To determine the factors that influence the development of technology integration for teaching for instructors, 2. To identify the current level of technology integration for teaching for university instructors in Guangxi, China, 3. To find the significant demographic characteristics and influencing factors that influence technology integration for teaching for university instructors in Guangxi, China, 4. To develop a model to enhance technology integration for teaching for university instructors in Guangxi, China. This study used mixed-methods explanatory research. The sample was 618 instructors from five universities in Guangxi. Findings were instructors mostly used technology for Substitution and Augmentation purposes (M = 3.81, SD = 0.92; and M = 3.79, SD = 1.07), and use at the Modification and Redefinition level was moderate to low (M = 3.04, SD = 0.72; M = 2.15, SD = 0.95). Academic discipline was correlated with technology integration. The significant factors influencing technology integration for teaching included performance expectancy, social influence, facilitating conditions, and effort expectancy in that order. The estimated regression equation was Use Behavior = -0.296 + 0.310* Performance Expectancy + 0.213* Effort Expectancy + 0.269* Social Influence + 0.233* Facilitating Conditions. The developed model can assist administrators to encourage more technology use by focusing on the significant factors.


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How to Cite

Liu, Y., & Asavisanu, P. (2024). A Model of Technology Integration for Teaching for University Instructors in Guangxi, China. Journal of Innovation and Management, 9(2), 165–184. retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/journalcim/article/view/280148



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