Structural Equation Model of Religious Beliefs and Perceived Quality Influencing Attitudes and Purchase Intentions of Halal-Certified Cosmetic Products Among Muslims in Thailand


  • Kassamara Sornsawan
  • Sornsawan Mahamad -
  • Peerada Wangsoh
  • Nantawat Mala
  • Sarawut Leasan


Religious Beliefs, Perceived Quality, Attitudes, Purchase Intentions, Cosmetic Products, Halal Standards


This research aims to 1) study the levels of religious beliefs, perceived quality, attitudes, and purchase intentions toward halal-certified cosmetic products among Muslim consumers in Thailand. 2) Investigate the influence of the relationships between the variables of religious beliefs, perceived quality, attitudes, and purchase intentions toward halal-certified cosmetic products among Muslim consumers in Thailand, and 3) Create a structural equation model explaining the causal relationships of factors influencing the purchase intentions of halal-certified cosmetic products among Muslim consumers in Thailand. The study focused on female consumers who use cosmetic products and follow Islam, with a sample size of 400 individuals. The research tools included questionnaires measuring levels of religious beliefs, perceived quality, attitudes, and purchase intentions toward halal-certified cosmetic products among Muslim consumers in Thailand.

The research findings indicate that the developed structural equation model aligns well with empirical data. The fit indices are as follows: CMIN/df = 3.373, GFI = 0.939, NFI = 0.945, IFI = 0.961, TLI = 0.945, CFI = 0.960, and RMSEA = 0.077. Additionally, the hypothesis testing results show that religious beliefs and perceived product quality have a direct and statistically significant influence on purchase intentions at the 0.01 level. However, religious beliefs do not have a direct positive influence on attitudes towards halal-certified cosmetic products.


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How to Cite

Sornsawan, K., Mahamad, S., Wangsoh, P. ., Mala, N. ., & Leasan, S. . (2024). Structural Equation Model of Religious Beliefs and Perceived Quality Influencing Attitudes and Purchase Intentions of Halal-Certified Cosmetic Products Among Muslims in Thailand. Journal of Innovation and Management, 9(2), 54–69. retrieved from



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