Person-Organization Fit and Its Effects on Job Satisfaction and Turnover Intention: The Case of Hotel Employees in Bangkok, Thailand
Person-Organization Fit, Job Satisfaction, Turnover Intention, Hotel EmployeesAbstract
The objectives of this study were to examine the relationship between person-organization fit and employee turnover intention and the role of job satisfaction in the relationship between person-organization fit and hotel employee turnover intention. The sample included 385 hotel employees in Bangkok, Thailand. The results from the analysis found PO fit to be positively and statistically related to job satisfaction but negatively related to turnover intention. However, job satisfaction does not significantly affect turnover intention. Therefore, the hypothesis on the mediation effect is not supported. The result from the Sobel test performed on SPSS also reconfirmed that there is no mediation effect of job satisfaction on the relationship between PO fit and turnover intention.
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