The Influence of Quality and Credibility of Electronic Word-of-Mouth Information on Green Product Information Forwarding and Green Product Purchase Intentions
Electronic Word-of-Mouth, Information Quality, Information Credibility, Information Usefulness, Forwarding Information, Purchase IntentionsAbstract
The objective of this research is to develop and examine a causal relationship model. Also, it examines the direct effect, Indirect effect, and total effect between information quality, information credibility, information usefulness, purchase intention, and forwarding information on green products via electronic word-of-mouth communication in Thailand. The researcher used quantitative research and collected data by distributing questionnaires via green products online channels such as Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram platforms, which obtained data from 400 samples. Structural equation analysis from the structural equation model was consistent with the empirical research. The results of the hypothesis test found that information quality, information credibility, and information usefulness affect purchase intention and forwarding information about green products, which is significant at the 0.05 level. Moreover, information quality and information credibility have a direct effect on information usefulness and have an indirect effect on purchase intention and information forwarding. It was also found that information quality and information credibility have different effects on information usefulness, which depends on situations and study topics. In terms of green product information from electronic word-of-mouth communication in Thailand, it was found that information credibility affects information usefulness more than information quality.
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