Antecedents Influencing Loyalty of Customers of Elderly Nursing Home in Bangkok and Vicinity
Service, Loyalty, Elderly Nursing HomeAbstract
This research aims to investigate level and examine the influence of variable factors towards loyalty of customers of elderly nursing homes, and develop the loyalty model of customers of elderly nursing homes in Bangkok and vicinity. The quantitative sample group of 340 was customers of the elderly nursing homes in Bangkok and vicinity. Data collection was conducted through questionnaires together with an in-depth interview with 20 elderly nursing home entrepreneurs and elderly care experts, as the qualitative collection. The findings revealed that 1) service quality, service innovation, standard recognition, customer satisfaction and loyalty of elderly nursing homes were all at a high level, 2) service quality, service innovation, standard recognition and customer satisfaction influenced the loyalty of customers of elderly nursing homes, and 3) the loyalty model of customers of elderly nursing homes as developed based on the findings was namely “IQSR Model” This research can be applied as a data base for interested persons and the government sector can use as a guideline for determination of policy to develop the elderly nursing home whereas in commercial term, it can be used as a guideline to manage successful elderly nursing homes with effective and sustainable growth.
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