The Impact of Consumer Ethnocentrism, the Seeking of Novelty, and the Authenticity on Attitude and Purchase Intention of Thai Cultural In-app Purchasing in Video Game
Video Game Product, In-app Purchase, Ethnocentrism, Authenticity, Purchase IntentionAbstract
The purpose of this study was (1) to study direct influences Indirect and overall influences between consumer ethnocentrism Genuine truth, and the pursuit of novelty, and (2) to develop and investigate causal relationship patterns between consumer ethnocentrism. Genuine truth, the pursuit of novelty Attitude, and intention to buy products within the game adulterated with Thai art or culture. The study was conducted on a sample of 400 people who had played this type of game and were potential buyers. The result shows that the conceptual model aligns with the empirical data (CMIN/df = 2.974, GFI = 0.918, NFI = 0.925, RFI = 0.907, IFI = 0.949, TLI = 0.936, CFI = 0.949, and RMSEA = 0.070). The findings of the research indicated that consumer ethnocentrism and authenticity variables had a direct and indirect effect on the attitude and purchase intention of video game in-app purchases at a significance level of 0.01.
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