Management Model of Demonstration School, Rajabhat University, Rattanakosin Group to Excellence
Management, Demonstration School of Rajabhat University, ExcellenceAbstract
The research aimed to (1) investigate nine management elements of a demonstration school, Rajabhat University, Rattanakosin group to excellence, which included spiritual leadership, strategic planning, focus on students and stakeholders, focus on teachers and staff, process management, knowledge management, result, resource, participation, and society and (2) examine the level of management elements to excellence. The research sample group included 560 respondents drawn from the executive management team, teachers and staff, and student parents for the academic year 2022 by using a simple random sampling technique. The data was gathered through a questionnaire with Cronbach's Alpha Coefficient of 0.99 and analyzed using Second Order Confirmatory Factor analysis, mean and standard deviation. The study discovered that (1) management elements of a demonstration school to excellence consisted of nine elements, weighted between .90-.99, descended from the result, knowledge management, and focus on students and stakeholders, respectively. Furthermore, the demonstration schools management model to excellence was consistent with the empirical data (c2= 224.684, df = 208, P-value = .203, c2/df = 1.08, GFI = .973, AGFI = .947, CFI = .999, SRMR =.007, RMSEA =.012), and (2) all nine management elements of the demonstration school to excellence were at the highest level, with a mean score of 4.23-4.39, a standard deviation of .67-.72.
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