Exnovation: The Ultimate Development of Innovation and Roles of Metaverse in Education and Training in the Next Normal Era
Exnovation, Innovation, Education, Training, MetaverseAbstract
In 1981, John Kimberly introduced the concept of exnovation as “the removal of innovation from the organization to make room for new innovation”; but the exnovation concept at that time was not widespread accepted until the 21st century. Young scholars elaborated the exnovation concept that they must develop the best-in-class innovation which no other innovations can compete with; based on integrity and sustainability; and that will always perfectly be friendly to humans and the environment. The exnovation concepts are applied in management, entrepreneurship as well as in all professions. Metaverse is another example of exnovation that is disrupting traditional education and training systems as it immerses learners in an unlimited virtual learning experience. This learning platform is not limited by space and time; and learning contents. Learners are fully engaged in learning activities with their own learning styles through avatars. Metaverse will reduce inequality in education and human resource development for everyone in economic system; and will transform education and training for people in the next normal era as well as future world.
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