The Influence of MICE Standard on Hotel Performance: The Mediating Role of Communication


  • Kamonluk Phophan International College, Silpakorn University, Bangkok, Thailand
  • Jantima Banjongprasert International College, Silpakorn University, Bangkok, Thailand


MICE standard, Communication, MICE Hotel performance, MICE Hotel


Maintaining a market share in an increasingly dynamic environment is one of the most challenging tasks for the hotel and hospitality industry. To successfully achieve long-term competitive advantage, Meetings, Incentives, Conferences and Exhibitions (MICE) hotels should focus on a strategic operational process more so than an end product. The purpose of this study is to identify the role of communication in mediating the relationship between MICE standard and MICE hotel performance. The variables of statistics used as a research tool are derived from well-established literature to develop a clearly defined measurement of variables. This study uses the quantitative method of analysis by distributing a questionnaire to 416 respondents working in MICE hotels across Thailand. The respondents range from employees to top-management staff involved in the implementation of MICE strategy. Also, structural equation modeling (SEM) was used to examine the mediating role of communication on the relationship between MICE standard and MICE hotel performance. Results confirmed that the MICE standard positively relates to communication and communication positively relates to hotel performance. There is a direct relationship between an increase in effective communication and an increase in hotel performance ratings. However, there is no direct effect found between the MICE standard and MICE hotel performance. As a result, communication plays an important mediating role on the relationship between MICE standard and hotel performance. These results have significant contributions for both MICE research and practice. The findings of this study can be used as guidance for improving appropriate communication for new strategies. The results also indicate that MICE standard can enhance MICE hotel performance in a beneficial way


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How to Cite

Phophan, K., & Banjongprasert, J. (2021). The Influence of MICE Standard on Hotel Performance: The Mediating Role of Communication. Journal of Innovation and Management, 6(1), 161–177. retrieved from



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