Factors Influencing the Acceptance of the Innovative Prototype for the Residence Construction Management
technology acceptance, innovative prototype, management, residence constructionAbstract
The two objectives of this study were (1) to investigate the demographic characteristics that influence the acceptance of the innovative prototype for the residence construction management, and (2) study the technological factors that influence the acceptance of the innovative prototype for the residence construction management. The research design is defined as quantitative. The samples of the study are selected by the stratified sampling, comprised of 317 Bangkok-resident contractors. A set of questionnaires is used as an instrument. The data analysis was used descriptive statistics of frequency, percentage, average, and standard deviation and the inferential statistics of ANOVA and multiple regression analysis. The Research Findings revealed that (1) The demographic characteristics that influence the acceptance of the innovative prototype for the residence construction management include gender, age, education, marital status, and accountable area. The participating contractors with different educational backgrounds show a different degree to accept the innovative prototype for the residence construction management, which is at a level of .05. For the other participants, the difference is not found, and (2) The factors influencing the acceptance of the innovative prototype for the residence construction management could have approximately 62.6% of prediction accuracy. As testing each independent and dependent variable singly, it is found that the behavioral intention to use, attitude toward using and perceived usefulness influence the acceptance of the innovative prototype for the residence construction management, significantly at a statistical level of .05 as the equation = .255 +.482 (X4) + .314 (X3) +.127 (X2)
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