Development of Inclusive Leadership Indicatorss for Secondary Schools Administrators in the Eastern of Thailand under the Office of Basic Education Commission
Development of indicatorss, Inclusive leadershipAbstract
The purpose of this research was to development of Inclusive leadership for secondary school administrators in the eastern of Thailand under the office of basic education commission and to test the consistency of the model relationship structure of the inclusive leadership indicators of the secondary school administrators in the eastern region with empirical data. The sample group used in the research was school administrators and deputy director of schools. A study of 400 secondary schools in the eastern region from stratified random sampling. The tool used was a 5 level rating scale questionnaire. Data was analyzed by using a software package to find basic statistics. Confirmatory element analysis and second order confirmatory element analysis to test the consistency of the inclusive leadership indicators model of secondary school administrators developed with empirical data. The results of the research showed that 1). Inclusive leadership Indicators of Secondary School Administrators in the Eastern Region, consisting of 4 main components (1) The main components of relations have 5 indicators (2) The main components for cultural understanding have 5 indicators (3) The main components of the form and strategy for decision making are 5 indicators and (4) The main components of the relationship Engaged with 5 indicators 2). Model of inclusive leadership indicators of secondary school administrators in the eastern region developed with consistent information considered from the consistency index, the Chi-Square (χ2) value is 145.96, the probability (p - value) is 0.867, the degree of freedom (df) is 166. The relative chi-square (χ2 / df) is 0.879, the consistency index (GFI) is 0.96, the modified consistency index (AGFI) is 0.96, and the tolerance index (GFI) is 0.96. In parameter estimation (RMSE A) equals 0.000
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