Legal Issues in Research and Experiment Involving Human Subjects


  • รัชดาพร สังวร School of Law, Bangkok University


research and experiment involving human subjects, consent, volunteer, liability, ethic



        This research aimed to find out solutions of legal problems for researchers in a research and experiment involving human subjects. It focused on the issue of the legitimacy of volunteer’s consent because, in case of errors and any damages, such issue affects the liability of researchers. This research included both legal documents and medical documents. The author summarized and proposed some suggestions for researchers who intend to perform a research and experiment involving human subjects. The author hopes that this research may have some benefits for researchers and public in providing knowledge and understanding regarding the result of a volunteer’s consent in a research and experiment involving human subjects.


How to Cite

สังวร ร. (2016). Legal Issues in Research and Experiment Involving Human Subjects. Journal of Liberal Arts Prince of Songkla University, 3(1), 53. retrieved from



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