Intuition and Experience Work as a Pattern Simultaneously during the Process of Moral Thinking at the Abstract Level


  • Mladen Pecujlija Faculty of Technical Sciences, Novi Sad


moral thinking, moral thinking at the abstract level, exploratory factor analysis, learned pattern, intuitive pattern


We conducted a survey about moral thinking at the abstract level of students of the Faculty of Technical Sciences in Novi Sad, Serbia. Our comprised sample 1.057 students who finished a secondary school and begin their studies. Seven questions which describe their moral thinking indicate to their moral thinking at the abstract level. When we performed the exploratory factor on the randomly selected sample half, analysis showed us the existence of two independent patterns which best describe their moral thinking at the abstract level. The first pattern is called INTUITIVE PATTERN and the second pattern is called LEARNED PATTERN. Also, our results showed us that female respondents have significantly higher second pattern activation level. Performed confirmatory factor analysis on second half of our sample confirmed this factor structure.


How to Cite

Pecujlija, M. (2016). Intuition and Experience Work as a Pattern Simultaneously during the Process of Moral Thinking at the Abstract Level. Journal of Liberal Arts Prince of Songkla University, 3(1), 1. retrieved from



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