Images and Identities of “Gay” in Cyber Space


  • เนติ สุนทราวราวิทย์ Educator of Institutional Research, Planning Division, Office of the President, Prince of Songkla University, HatYai Campus.
  • เก็ตถวา บุญปราการ Department of Education of Foundation, Faculty of Liberal Arts, Prince of Songkla University, Hatyai Campus
  • พรทิพา บรรทมสินธุ์ Faculty of Humanities, Srinakharinwirot University.



Images and Identities of Gay in Cyber Space

This article examines gay image, identity and negotiation in cyberspace. The results of the study revealed that in cyberspace the meanings or discourse of male same sex lovers were associated with immorality because some gay males who identify themselves as !gay" through chatting on Instant Messenger (IM) or through making announcements pornographically in front of the Camfrog room or focusing on #nding sexual partners or activities. Nevertheless, some gay males try to negotiate with this main discourse by building the meanings of !gay" and identifying themselves as !gay" through some cyberspaces such as Gay Thai Esan Plaza without focusing on immorality, pornographic shows, or #nding sexual partners. They use the gay space in Camfrog to chat in order to ease their loneliness and do not put emphasis on looking for sexual activities. They also identify themselves creatively by expressing their ideas about politics and culture in addition to listening to DJs in Camfrog gay males rooms or playing games to release stress. These methods are ways to #ght and negotiate with the main discourse by squeezing themselves into the main discourse authority area and build new meanings or new identities. This is to build the identity of good gays with morality.


How to Cite

สุนทราวราวิทย์ เ., บุญปราการ เ., & บรรทมสินธุ์ พ. (2016). Images and Identities of “Gay” in Cyber Space. Journal of Liberal Arts Prince of Songkla University, 3(2), 117. retrieved from



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