Sustainable development in ASEAN: The key role of social sciences and humanities


  • Mark Neal


Socio-educational, Muslim Women, Islam, Bangladesh


         The socio-educational development of a country can measure with the position of women. In the modern developed countries women’s are seen in an advanced position. In this paper by socio-educational change we mean the overall development of a modern industrial society and its change in different aspect in education. Alike the males, females are also there in various spheres of the society. In Bangladesh, now, women’s are taking part in different level of activities with the similar intelligence and brilliance like the males.  In the Muslim World, Bangladesh features is the third place in respect of population. Out of above 13crores of population of the country 90% is Muslim and near about 48% of the population is women, therefore the question of overall progress of the country is very much closely related with the socio-educational change of the women. Compared to other developed countries though the females of Bangladesh were backward for a long time in socio-education, even then with the evolution of time the thoughts and consciousness of females are now in the course of change .But for long time females were backward in education, social status, power compared with male. Recently, however, perception of inevitability to earn social and economic independence awakened the desire for education and activities of women’s in Bangladesh. Social transformation of Muslim women is playing all an important role not only in economical development of the country but also in the shift of thinking and consciousness and culture of educated people of the society.  Hence, it is an important factor to research about the socio-educational change of Muslim women in Bangladesh that reserves the third place in the Muslim world in respect of population. This research has got a great value in reconstruction of social history in modern Bangladesh and the research paper will be raised a positive influence for the social change of women in other developing countries.


How to Cite

Neal, M. (2016). Sustainable development in ASEAN: The key role of social sciences and humanities. Journal of Liberal Arts Prince of Songkla University, 4(1), 1. retrieved from



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