Style of Num Muang Chan in “Kamtam Samkan Kwa Kamtob’s Article”


  • กะรัตเพชร คงรอด Faculty of Liberal Arts, Prince of Songkla University, Hat Yai Campus
  • ชูขวัญ เย็นใจชน Faculty of Liberal Arts, Prince of Songkla University, Hat Yai
  • ปุณยวีร์ อินทรักษา Faculty of Liberal Arts, Prince of Songkla University, Hat Yai Campus
  • ศุภรางคณา มะณีโชติ Faculty of Liberal Arts, Prince of Songkla University, Hat Yai Campus
  • อิทธิพัทธ์ วิทยา Faculty of Liberal Arts, Prince of Songkla University, Hat Yai Campus
  • มนตรี มีเนียม Faculty of Liberal Arts, Prince of Songkla University, Hat Yai Campus


rhetoric, article, Num Muang Chan



      This study analyzed the rhetoric of Num Muang Chan, writer of the articles published in the collection, “Kamtam Samkan Kwa Kamtob”(Questions can be more important than the answers), focusing on content, concepts, and language use. The 15 articles examined were taken from the Fast Food Thurakij column in Matichon Weekly Magazine and the Marketing column in the PrachachatTurakij newspaper. In each article, statements incorporating related specific words, location references, contrasting words and catchwords were used throughout along with allusions, questions, and storytelling devices engaging readers and capturing the article’s theme. Stories were presented in chronological and reverse chronological orders. The writer’s personal experiences and those of others, especially celebrities were included with references. Through using related stories, he created a conceptual establishment and offered some living guidelines. Informal language and images were used along with borrowed words lending the articles a lucid and friendly tone. Affirmative sentences improved clarity whilst negative sentences plainly expressed conflicting ideas. Questions and invitation sentences also encouraged readers to follow his articles. Moreover, similes and metaphors creatively compared abstract things, bringing them to life, whilst exaggeration helped clarify descriptions, simultaneously stimulating the readers’ imagination.


How to Cite

คงรอด ก., เย็นใจชน ช., อินทรักษา ป., มะณีโชติ ศ., วิทยา อ., & มีเนียม ม. (2016). Style of Num Muang Chan in “Kamtam Samkan Kwa Kamtob’s Article”. Journal of Liberal Arts Prince of Songkla University, 6(1), 44. retrieved from


