A Study of Chinese Idiom Expressions Containing the Word jin (Gold)


  • Pimpan Jantondaeng Department of Chinese Language and Literature, Xiamen University, China
  • Zheng Zezhi Department of Chinese Language and Literature, Xiamen University, China




“jin”, gold, Chinese, idioms, metaphor


Idioms are phrases or sayings metaphorically composed with a subtle hidden meaning that cannot be deciphered by direct literal translation of individual words. Long-standing idiomatic expressions that have been passed down through ages in each language are precious cultural heritage for people using that language, as they can reflect, for instance, thoughts and beliefs of people from earlier generations within the society. Chinese people often use idiomatic expressions in their daily communication. Many idioms are derived from natural environment, and are in line with ancient Chinese beliefs in the five elements of earth, water, fire, wood and metal, considered the basic components of everything in the world. Due to the fact that gold is a representation of preciousness often related to certain beliefs or concepts in Chinese culture, this article therefore aims to study and analyse idioms containing the word “jin” (金gold) in order to understand their metaphorical meanings, as well as beliefs, values and other aspects related to them. It was shown that there were 411 idioms containing “jin” (gold) collected from eight selected Chinese idioms dictionaries, with a total of 414 metaphorical meanings.

These metaphorical meanings can be further divided into nine groups: human, preciousness, beauty, money and treasured items, social status and standard, goodness, stability and strength, nature, and other meanings. Chinese idioms containing the word “jin” (gold) can help us gain insights into the past Chinese society, as well as the values, culture, traditions, and beliefs of the Chinese people.


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How to Cite

Jantondaeng, P., & Zezhi, Z. . (2024). A Study of Chinese Idiom Expressions Containing the Word jin (Gold). Journal of Liberal Arts Prince of Songkla University, 16(1), 271695 . https://doi.org/10.14456/jlapsu.2024.2