Factors Predicting the Organizational Loyalty Among Private School Teachers in Hat Yai District, Songkhla Province


  • Nattha Lertpanyawiwat -
  • Kasetchai Leaheem Faculty of Liberal Arts, Prince of Songkla University
  • Kanda Janyam Faculty of Liberal Arts, Prince of Songkla University




private teacher, perceived organization support factors, interpersonal relationship, psychological factors, Songkhla


This study examined the relationships among several factors of organizational loyalty which included perceived organizational support, interpersonal relationships, and psychology. The participants were 234 private school teachers in Hat Yai District, Songkhla Province. The instrument used was a 5-point Likert Scale questionnaire covering five parts: general information, perceived organizational support, interpersonal relationship, happiness at work, and organization commitment. The R program was utilized to determine the mean and standard deviation. Meanwhile, Pearson's correlation coefficient was administered to investigate the relationships among the factors. The results revealed that: 1. Happiness at work had a positive relationship with organizational loyalty of private school teachers in Hat Yai, Songkhla (level of significance: 0.001). 2. Job advancement, relationships with the colleagues and principals, and organization commitment had a positive relationship with the organizational loyalty of private school teachers in Hat Yai, Songkhla (level of significance: 0.01). 3. Policy, administration, and work environment had a positive relationship with organizational loyalty of private school teachers in Hat Yai, Songkhla (level of significance: 0.05). 4. Compensation, benefits, and Job security had no relationship with organizational loyalty of private school teachers in Hat Yai, Songkhla.


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How to Cite

Lertpanyawiwat, N. ., Leaheem, K. ., & Janyam, K. . (2022). Factors Predicting the Organizational Loyalty Among Private School Teachers in Hat Yai District, Songkhla Province. Journal of Liberal Arts Prince of Songkla University, 14(1), 243–271. https://doi.org/10.14456/jlapsu.2022.9