Holistic Human Development in the Dimension of Thai Social Capitals amidst Socio-cultural Transformation


  • Kittinan Krueaphat 0622058532
  • Wanchai Dhammasaccakarn
  • Utit Sungkharat


holistic human development, social capital, socio-cultural transformation



This academic article is written to synthesize holistic human development in the dimension of social capitals in Thailand amidst socio-cultural transformation using concepts and theories related to socio-cultural transformation, holistic human development and social capitals. The contextual analysis technique was used to synthesize holistic human development in the dimension of social capitals in Thailand amidst socio-cultural transformation. From the history of development of Thailand, the research found that it was developed similarly all over the world because of globalization, the wave that affected similar development of the globe. This focuses only on the outer part development of humanity, ignoring the inner part which includes mental, intellectual, emotional and social perspectives leading to holism in human development. The analysis in this article has established new findings for Thai society which would be beneficial to both governmental and private organizations for human development integrating the inner part development with the social capital concept which is significant to Thailand amidst socio-cultural transformation.


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How to Cite

Krueaphat, K., Dhammasaccakarn, W., & Sungkharat , U. . (2021). Holistic Human Development in the Dimension of Thai Social Capitals amidst Socio-cultural Transformation. Journal of Liberal Arts Prince of Songkla University, 13(1), 1–44. retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/journal-la/article/view/227194