Confirmatory factor analysis of the process of change on exercise behavior of working-age population


  • Korada mattayakorn


Confirmatory factor analysis, exercise behavior, process of change


            The purpose of this research was to analyze and validate the process of change of exercise behaviors on working-age people with empirical data. Data were collected from 389 employees of Chotiwat Manufacturing Industry Co., Ltd. randomly selected using cluster random sampling.  The research instrument was a questionnaire on the process of change of exercise behaviors with 30 items. The reliability of the questionnaire was .94. The data were analyzed with second order confirmatory factor analysis. The results showed that the process of changing exercise behaviors among the working-age people had two main components: 1. Cognitive/experiential processe, and 2. Behavioral process, and each of these factors consisted of five indicators which were consistent with the empirical data: (c2 = 22.330, df =16, p-value = 0.133, c2/df = 1.396, GFI = 0.989, AGFI = 0.961, RMR = 0.015, SRMR = 0.021, RMSEA = 0.032, CFI = 0.998). The weight of each factor was between .96 - .97, and the standard weight of each indicator was between .63 - .90.


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How to Cite

mattayakorn, K. (2019). Confirmatory factor analysis of the process of change on exercise behavior of working-age population. Journal of Liberal Arts Prince of Songkla University, 11(1), 381–401. retrieved from



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