Factors affecting teachers’ use of technologies as teaching aids in Thai EFL classrooms


  • Attachai Saenkhot
  • Atipat Boonmoh


Factors affecting the use of technology, teaching aids, teachers’ use of technology


          In the digital age, technology plays a dominant role in creating and exchanging knowledge and information in the field of education around the globe. In Thailand, it has also been used as a teaching aid in English language teaching and learning for decades. However, a gap of using technology in Thai EFL classrooms taught by English language teachers has been found. This study therefore aims to investigate types of technology tools used by language teachers as well as factors that facilitate and hinder their use of technologies in Thai EFL classrooms. The data was obtained by implementing semi-structured interviews. Twelve EFL teachers with varied numbers of years of teaching experience in a public high school in Bangkok were interviewed. The interview data was transcribed and classified into themes. The findings revealed that all teachers integrated technologies in their classes. Certain types of tools are already used by all teachers, while some cutting-edge tools are presently being integrated in the classrooms. Convenience, enhancement to students’ understanding, and stimulation in students’ interest are three prominent factors facilitating teachers’ use of technology. However, several factors hindering their use of technology were also found. On the basis of these findings, the pedagogical implications and suggestions are included in this paper.


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How to Cite

Saenkhot, A., & Boonmoh, A. (2019). Factors affecting teachers’ use of technologies as teaching aids in Thai EFL classrooms. Journal of Liberal Arts Prince of Songkla University, 11(1), 269–306. retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/journal-la/article/view/199936



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