Individual counseling based on the trait factor theory to change attitude of amphetamine sellers imprisoned in Bangkwang Central Prison


  • Matee Nimnual
  • Wanlapa Sabaiying


Attitude towards amphetamine, Bangkwang Central Prison, prisoners imprisoned for drug sales, the individual counseling program based on the trait factor theory


            The purpose of this research was 1) to determine the levels of positive attitude towards amphetamine among prisoners imprisoned for drug sales; 2) to compare positive attitude towards amphetamine among prisoners imprisoned for drug sales before and after receiving individual counseling based on the trait factor theory; 3) to compare positive attitude towards amphetamine among prisoners imprisoned for drug sales after receiving individual counseling based on the trait factor theory   and during a follow up period.

            For the experimental group, 8 subjects whose scores from responding a questionnaire on attitude towards amphetamine were in the 75th percentile. They were selected from a total of 62 amphetamine sellers imprisoned in Jail 6 of Bangkwang Central Prison.  The study instruments were 1) a questionnaire on attitude towards amphetamine with validity of .94, and 2) an individual counseling program based on the trait factor theory for changing prisoners’ attitude towards amphetamine.   Percentage, mean, standard deviation and Wilcoxon match-pairs signed ranks test were employed for data analysis.

            The research findings showed that 1) the means of cognitive component, affective component and behavioral component of amphetamine were 2.59, 2.60 and 2.70, respectively, and the overall positive attitude towards amphetamine was at the high level with the mean of 2.66. 2) The positive attitude towards amphetamine of the experimental group after receiving individual counseling based on the trait factor theory decreased significantly at the .05 level. 3) No significant difference was found on positive attitude towards amphetamine of the experimental group after receiving individual counseling based on the trait factor theory and during the follow up period.


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How to Cite

Nimnual, M., & Sabaiying, W. (2019). Individual counseling based on the trait factor theory to change attitude of amphetamine sellers imprisoned in Bangkwang Central Prison. Journal of Liberal Arts Prince of Songkla University, 11(1), 100–115. retrieved from



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