Incorporating the post-process approach into the Thai EFL writing classroom


  • Somsak Kaewnuch


current-traditional rhetoric, EFL writing instruction, process approach, post-process approach, Thai EFL writing instruction


          Theories and approaches in the discipline of composition can be classified into three major groups: current-traditional, process, and post-process.  Current-traditional rhetoric, emphasizing correctness and form, has dominated writing instruction for over a hundred of years, and is blamed for its suppressive philosophy.  The process approach, stressing student autonomy and rhetorical situations, values the cognitive faculty and divides the writing act into stages, such as pre-writing, writing, and post-writing.  This approach is attacked for trying to universalize the writing act, which is by nature situated, interpretative, and indeterminate.  The post-process approach, instead, views writing as containing not one process but many processes, and also many realities.  The present paper suggests that the post-process approach, which adopts tenets of postmodern and anti-foundationalist perspectives, is useful in designing a teaching method in the Thai EFL writing classroom.


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How to Cite

Kaewnuch, S. (2019). Incorporating the post-process approach into the Thai EFL writing classroom. Journal of Liberal Arts Prince of Songkla University, 11(1), 1–30. retrieved from



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