Guidelines for development of national artists’ houses into arts and culture learning centers


  • ศรีสุคล พรมโส Cultural Science, Faculty of Cultural Science, Mahasarakham University
  • ซิสิกกา วรรณจันทร์ Faculty of Cultural Science Mahasarakham University


Development, national artists’ houses, Arts and Culture Learning Center


             This qualitative research aimed to study general characteristics of national artists’ houses participated in the opening national artists’ houses project organized by the Department of Cultural Promotion. It also aimed at finding out problems, obstacles and guidelines for the development these houses into arts and culture learning centers. Research areas were national artists’ houses participated in the opening national artists’ houses project organized by the Department of Cultural Promotion 2005 and 2016 that met the required criteria. Data of this qualitative study were gathered using participant and non-participant observations and in-depth interviews with 12 knowledgeable informants.

The data were categorized, interpreted and concluded. The research found that general characteristics of the national artists’ houses reflected identities of the artists through their   art works on display. All of the houses have a space for interested visitors to do arts and cultural activities. The problems and obstacles were found to be budget, personnel, management and the bodies of knowledge of the national artists.  Regarding guidelines for developing the  houses into learning centers, government agencies should: provide support to make them sustainable even when without financial assistance from the government; improve house members’ skills related to making these houses into learning centers; request cooperation from relevant provincial agencies to link these  houses with nearby tourist attractions; motivate the general public to visit the houses to create income; and to promote the  houses to be learning resources outside the classroom for students to realize value and importance of national artists’ houses.



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How to Cite

พรมโส ศ., & วรรณจันทร์ ซ. (2018). Guidelines for development of national artists’ houses into arts and culture learning centers. Journal of Liberal Arts Prince of Songkla University, 10(1), 149–175. retrieved from



Research Articles