Intercultural communicative competence components: An analytical study of English-for-tourism curricula of universities in Southern Thailand


  • ปนัดดา ศิริพานิช Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Songkhla Rajabhat University
  • นูราฮิมะ โมเอ็ด ยูโซฟ School of Education and Modern Language, Universiti Utara, Malaysia


Intercultural communicative competence (ICC), tourism, curriculum


              This article is an analytical study of intercultural communicative competence (ICC) in English for tourism curricula at 5 universities in Southern Thailand to find out whether ICC components exist in the present curricula. Content analysis based on Byram’s (1997) components of an ICC curriculum was employed. The study reported the status quo of the target English for tourism curricula and proposed the implications for ICC curriculum establishment.


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How to Cite

ศิริพานิช ป., & ยูโซฟ น. โ. (2018). Intercultural communicative competence components: An analytical study of English-for-tourism curricula of universities in Southern Thailand. Journal of Liberal Arts Prince of Songkla University, 10(1), 80–117. retrieved from



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