The Development of Components of New Brand Perception for Brand Loyalty

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Koson Numbang
Kreagrit Ampavat
Viroj Jadesadalug


The objectives of this research are to development of the components of new brand perception for brand loyalty as well as to interviews 1,254 consumers, entrepreneurs and experienced personals involving in new brand perception in Thailand. In this study, the primary and secondary data were collected using qualitative research method (phenomenal methods, in-depth interviews). The finding shows that consumers give attention perception of quality, price, value functional and emotional. Understanding these behaviors can create new brand perception in all three areas, comparative experience quality perception, perception of value for money and emotional benefit perception. And finding show that new brand perception can affect the brand loyalty creation.

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How to Cite
Numbang, K. ., Ampavat, K. ., & Jadesadalug, V. . (2021). The Development of Components of New Brand Perception for Brand Loyalty. Journal of Management Science Chiangrai Rajabhat University, 16(2), 23–44. retrieved from
Research Articles
Author Biographies

Koson Numbang, Silpakorn University

Master's Degree, Business Administration, College of Graduate Study in Management, Khon Kaen University (2012) Currently studying Doctor of Philosophy School of Management, Silpakorn University

Kreagrit Ampavat, Silpakorn University

D.B.A. (Marketing), Southern Cross University, AUSTRALIA, Assistant Professor Faculty of Management Science, Silpakorn University

Viroj Jadesadalug, Silpakorn University

Doctor of Philosophy (Management), Maha Sarakham University, Assistant Professor Faculty of Management Science, Silpakorn University


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