1. The contents of the article published in the Journal of Management Science of Chiang Rai Rajabhat University are the product of the authors’ thoughts, research, review, analysis, compilation, citation and references. The editorial staff shares no responsibility on these actions.

2. The research articles and academic articles published in this journal are peer reviewed by external and internal peer reviewers at least two persons according to the peer review principles.

3. The article published in this journal must have never been published anywhere before, and it must not be under the publication reviewing process in any other journals. If duplicated publication is found, it is the sole responsibility of the author to infringe the copyright. The article published in this journal is owned by the publisher and it is thus prohibited to reproduce all or part of the text unless permitted by the editor.

4. If the reader finds any articles in the journal is the replication of other people’s work by claiming as a work of the author, this action is considered Plagiarism, so please notify the editor.

5. The editorial staff reserves the right to review articles in the research study related to human and animal experiments. Only the research study approved by the Research Ethics Committee for Human and Animal Experiment can be accepted for publication. The author must submit the approval evidence from the committee together with the article to the editorial staff.


Ethical Standard of Committee on Publication Ethics

Journal of Management Science, Chiang Rai Rajabhat University

Duties and Responsibilities of Editor

          The editor of Journal of Management Science, Chiang Rai Rajabhat University conforms to the following responsibilities.

  • 1) Update the journal regularly.
  • 2) Guarantee quality of the published research works.
  • 3) Support freedom in academic expressions.
  • 4) Maintain accuracy of academic works.
  • 5) Willing to fix mistakes in publication, clarify for clarity, revoke the publication, and apologize if necessary.

Duties of Editor of Journal of Management Science to Author

  • 1) The editor has a process to ensure the quality of published articles in order to certify the standards of published academic and research articles.
  • 2) The decision to accept or reject academic and research articles for publication depends on the significance, novel, clarity, academic quality of the article, and congruency to scope of the journal.
  • 3) Journal of Management Science allows the author to appeal in the case that the author has different opinions from the editor’s decision.
  • 4) The editor has published suggestions for the authors in all issues that the author should know about publication in the journal and website. These suggestions are always updated.
  • 5) If the article has been rejected for publication, that means the judgement is considered finalized. The editor shall not later amend the decision to accept those rejected articles.


Duties of Editor to Peer Reviewers

  • 1) The editor has published suggestions for the peer reviewers in all issues necessary for pre-informed to the peer reviewers and these suggestions are always updated.
  • 2) The editor has a system to protect personal information of peer reviewers. The author shall not know the name and information of the peer reviewers.
  • 3) The articles submitted to the journal must undergo the standardized review processes which will be secretly concealed during the review process.



  • If there is a complaint, the editor will take actions according to the steps introduced in the guidelines of Committee on Publication Ethics.


Guarantee accuracy of publication

  • 1) In the case that the published article is later found to have inaccuracies, vague or ambiguous sentences that might lead to misunderstanding, or manipulation of facts in the report, the editors will proceed immediate corrections with clarity.
  • 2) If academic fraud misbehavior has been found after the investigation, the editor will revoke that article by transparent and verifiable process. The revocation process will accordingly notify readers and other journal database systems.


Conflicts of Interest

  • 1) The editor has academic freedom in decision-making process for consideration in accepting the article for publication by adhering to quality and suitability of the article for the readers rather than the financial benefits or other factors.
  • 2) The editor has a system for managing conflicts of interest of the editor himself/herself, journal staff, authors, peer reviewers, and editorial team.


Modified from Ethical Standard by COMMITTEE ON PUBLICATION ETHICS – COPE

The original translation by Thai Journal Citation Index Centre