Publication Ethics

Duties and Responsibilities of Editor

  1. The editor is responsible for accepting article, organizing process, and considering articles in the form of Double-Blind Peer Review for publication in the journal.
  2. The editor will oversee the article publication process (Peer Review Process) to meet the objectives and scope of the journal's fields according to academic standards.
  3. The editor has a process to considers the quality of published articles to ensure the standard of published academic articles and research articles.
  4. Deciding on accepting or rejecting academic articles and research articles for publication depends on the importance, newness, clarity, academic quality, and their relevance to the scope of the journal.
  5. The journal allows authors to appeal if the author has a different opinion from the editor's decision.
  6. The editor provides clear guidelines for authors on all issues regarding publication in journals and websites. The guidelines are updated regularly.
  7. The editor will continually improve the academic quality of the journal.
  8. The editor will not reproduce or rewrite articles from the author to make them their own articles.
  9. The editor will not find the benefit from any author, reader, or reviewer.
  10. The editor must not disclose any information of authors and personal information that may be displayed in the article unless given permission in writing.
  11. If there is inaccuracy in an article that has already been published, or there are sentences that lead to misunderstandings, or misrepresentation, the editor must be corrected and clarified immediately.
  12. If any misconduct appears after the investigation. The editor must revoke the article with obvious and provable decision. This revocation must reveal to readers and other database.
  13. The editor has systems for managing conflicts of interest, including journal staff, authors, reviewers, and the editorial team.


Duties and Responsibilities of Author

  1. Author must ensure that their submitted work is original which has not been previously published elsewhere and not currently under the review process of any other journals.
  2. Avoid plagiarism of other works. The research process must follow academic principles. Authors must not change, conceal, or ignore results without proper explanation. Research results must not be created, or fabricated, or presenting false information.
  3. Author who uses the work of others in their articles must cite and prepare a complete and accurate references.
  4. Author must not infringe the copyright of information, content, and images within their own articles.
  5. All co-authors must consent and acknowledge the submission of an article.
  6. Author takes responsibility to opinion or perspective made in the manuscript.
  7. Author must correct the accuracy of the article according to the recommendations of peer reviewers and the editorial team.


Duties and Responsibilities of Reviewers

  1. Reviewers are required to anonymize the articles reviewed.
  2. Reviewers must be honest, unbiassed, and give truthfully comments that improve articles to meet academic standards.
  3. Evaluate articles with expertise by considering the quality of the article and not use personal opinions without supporting evidence in giving suggestions or judging articles.
  4. Reviewers must not take the article or its results to their own new article.
  5. If there may be conflicts of interest with the authors, reviewers should notify the journal editor and refused to evaluate the article.
  6. Reviewer must notify journal editor If find that the articles evaluated were overlapping with other works.