The Guidelines for Developing Competitive Advantage of Wellness Tourism Business in Phuket

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Puttaporn Aksornpairoj


This research aims to: (1) investigate the situation of health promotion tourism businesses in Phuket (2) to study the competitiveness of the health tourism businesses in Phuket and (3) to propose ways to improve the competitiveness of the health tourism business in Phuket. The study was conducted by means of qualitative research. The primary informants are the health promotion travel agencies in Phuket, including academics, government agencies, and private organizations related to specific criteria. The instruments used for the study were questionnaires, SWOT analysis, TOWS analysis, and community survey through content analysis. As a result, it has been found that (1) Relaxation business group, consisted of spa business is the main service that generates revenue with the highest number of entrepreneurs. As far as health care is concerned, the trend and popularity of health care is increasing. With Phuket's reputation as a destination for global travel, the concept of business establishment has a clear advantage in terms of investment. (2) Analyzes of business capabilities show that the health promotion tourism businesses in Phuket have the capability of being in the high level businesses, comprised of related business services for physical fitness, Healthy Nutrition, Diet and Health promotion business in Phuket. Those with moderate business capability are Beauty Care, Relaxation, Meditation and Mental Activity and Education Business. Overall, the impetuses for new competitors of entries, bargaining power of the manufacturer and the bargaining power of tourists have a lower effect on the business. However, substitute products and competition in the industry have had a moderate impact on the ability of the business. Therefore, the development of the competitiveness of the health promotion tourism business in Phuket Province so called “I-MVS” to development: (1) Integrated (2) Marketing (3) Value Creation Proposition. (4) Service Design

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How to Cite
Aksornpairoj, P. . (2020). The Guidelines for Developing Competitive Advantage of Wellness Tourism Business in Phuket. Journal of Management Science Chiangrai Rajabhat University, 15(1), 1–25. retrieved from
Research Articles
Author Biography

Puttaporn Aksornpairoj, Phuket Rajabhat University

*Phd. (Program in Tourism Management), School of Management and Information Sciences, University of Phayao (2016), Currently a Lecturer Agricultural Resource Management for Tourism, Faculty of Agricultural Technology, Phuket Rajabhat University


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