Designing Empowering Incentive Pay Components for Generation Y University Professors in Thailand
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This study aims to develop incentive components that motivate Generation Y university professors in public universities in Thailand, using a mixed-method approach starting with an exploratory sequential design. The qualitative phase involves conducting in-depth interviews with 36 Generation Y professors from various Thai universities using Grounded Theory to identify variables. These insights inform subsequent quantitative research, where a questionnaire based on the qualitative findings is administered to 307 Generation Y professors from different Thai universities. Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) is then employed to analyze factor loadings and relationships between variables, resulting in the development of a viable model.
The findings reveal that Generation Y lecturers highly value various incentives such as teaching incentives, research funds, grants for producing and publishing academic works, self-development funds, freedom in working, and flexible working hours. Quantitative results from the study indicate a questionnaire response rate of 76.75% (307 out of 400). The structural model, evaluated through CFA, confirms causal relationships between research constructs. Goodness of fit indices, including a χ2/df ratio of 1.92, GFI of 0.95, AGFI of 0.90, RMR of 0.01, RMSEA of 0.05, CFI of 0.98, and NFI of 0.96, demonstrate strong compatibility between the proposed model and observed data, affirming its validity and applicability.
This study contributes to the field of higher education management by providing a nuanced understanding of the motivational incentives preferred by Generation Y professors in Thai public universities. The insights gained offer practical implications for university administrators aiming to enhance faculty motivation and retention.
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