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As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

  • The manuscript is original and has not been published before and is not under consideration of publication elsewhere.
  • The manuscript must be written by lecturers, researchers, academic officials, and graduate students. SJMS does not accept the manuscripts by undergraduate students.
  • The manuscript must contain the reference format in accordance with the submission guideline of the journal. (Check at https://qrgo.page.link/GMSo9)
  • The manuscript is in accordance with the submission guideline of the journal. (Check at https://qrgo.page.link/MtASM)
  • The author acknowledges the publication fee and payment by SJMS’s editorial team. (See details of fee collection in the topic “Rate of Journal Fee”)
  • The author understands all conditions specified by the editorial team.

Suggestions for manuscript preparation to be published in Songklanakarin Journal of Management Sciences (SJMS)
          1. General Information
Context of Journal
The faculty of Management Sciences is responsible for SJMS with the aim to disseminate knowledge, and new concepts in the field of business administration, public and private management. SJMS publishes two volumes annually: Volume I: January-June and Volume II: July-December.
               1.2 Types of Publication
1.2.1 A research article is based on empirical research conducted by the author (s).
                      1.2.2 A review article is a comprehensive academic review of literature with analysis, comparison or synthesis in order to present knowledge, new ideas or academic concepts.
               1.3 Organization of Manuscript
1.3.1 A research article consists of title, the name of the author, the author’s place of work, abstract, keywords, introduction, objective, literature review and related research, hypothesis, framework, methodology, result, conclusion, discussion, recommendation, and references.
                      1.3.2 A review article consists of title, the name of the author, the author’s place of work, abstract, keywords, introduction, objective, related document, topics scope, content, analysis conclusion, and reference.

          2. Format of Manuscript (Download Template (Click)
               SJMS accepts both Thai and English manuscripts. The order in which manuscripts are written is specified as follows:

               - In the case of a manuscripts in Thai: The manuscript shall start with the article type, title, author's name, abstract, and keywords in Thai, then followed by the article type, title, author's name, abstract, and keywords in English and followed by the content of Thai manuscript. (Example)

               - In the case of a manuscripts in English: The manuscript shall start with the article type, title, author's name, abstract, and keywords in English, then followed by the article type, title, author's name, abstract, and keywords in Thai and followed by the content of English manuscript. (Example)

               However, each section of the manuscript is set to be formatted as follows.
                2.1 Manuscripts
Paper:  A5 with page
                       Page Margin: Top, Bottom, Right and Left: 2 centimeters
                       Pages: not more than 25 (if the number of pages exceeds 25, additional pages must be paid by the author and the total page should not be above 30 pages.)
               2.2 Title
The title should be in Thai and English with bold TH SarabunPSK size 18.
               2.3 Author(s)
The author(s) should be written in Thai and English with bold TH SarabunPSK size 15. The author’s information should be at the footnote with the font TH SarabunPSK size 10 both in Thai and English.
               2.4 Abstract
The abstract should be written in Thai and English. It should mention about the importance of the study, methodology or instrument, summary or significant finding. Both Thai and English abstract should not exceed  300 words and both Thai and English keywords should not exceed 5 words with the font TH SarabunPSK size 15.
              2.5 Content
The content should be written in Thai or English with the font TH SarabunPSK size 15.
              2.6 Page Number
The page number should be added at the bottom right angle with the font TH SarabunPSK size 10.
              2.7 Table or Illustrations
Add tables or illustrations when necessary with the label on the pictures and tables respectively. The information in the pictures and the tables should be clear. 
             2.8 References
The manuscripts must conform to the stylistic guidelines prescribed by the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (APA) with English in-text citation and reference in the font TH SarabunPSK size 15. The details are as follows:
                     2.8.1 In-text citation should be found in the references with full and correct information.
                     2.8.2 The references should be systematic with Name-Year system.
                     2.8.3 The document should be in alphabetical without the number.
                     2.8.4 If there is any Thai reference, it should be translated into English. In-text citation and bibliography should conform to APA referencing style.

Reference Guideline
            The reference system conforms to American Psychological Association (APA) with only English in-text citation and references.

Examples of References
                Author. (Year of publication). Book Title. (Edition). Place of Publication: Publisher.
                Hartley, E. K. (1989). Childhood and Society. (2nd Ed.). New York: MC Graw-Hill.

                First author, & Second author. (Year of publication). Book Title. (Edition). Place of Publication: Publisher.
Hammit, F., & Morales, H. (1981). Selected Chapters of Interpreting Our Heritage, CATIE, Costa Rica.

            2. Article/ Topic/ Section in Books
                Author. (Year of publication). Title of Article. In the name of Editor (Editor), Title of Section (Issue No., pages). Place of Publication: Publisher.
Haybron, D. M. (2008). Philosophy and the science of subjective well-being. In M.Eid & R.J Larsen (Eds.), The science of subjective well-being (pp. 17-43). New York: Guildford Press.

            3. Journal Article
                Author. (Year of publication). Title of Article. Title of Journal, Volume(No.), pages.
Aujiraponpan, S., Thongmee, S., & Jutidharabongse, J. (2012). Innovative Organization and Innovative Capability: A Case Study of Koh Samui Hospital. Journal of Management Sciences. 29(2), 47-65.

           4. CD-ROM Database
                Author. (Year of publication). Title of Article (CD-ROM).Title of Journal, Year (No.) pages, brief information: Name of Database Document Number
Preston, W. (1982). Poetry ideas in teaching literature and writing to foreign student (CD-ROM). TESOL quarterly,16, 489-502. Abstract from: Dialog File: ERIC Item: EJ274529

          5. Online or Internet Documents/ Information
                Author. (Year of publication). Title of Article. Retrieved month, date, year, from https://www.xxxxx
                The World Bank. (2017). World Bank Country and Lending Groups. Retrieved July 14, 2017, from https://datahelpdesk.worldbank.org

                If there are any references in Thai, they should be translated into English. Both in-text citation and references should conform to APA References Style.

                In-text Citation
                     In case the citation of Thai documents, references must be in English and write only the last name of the author and year.
                For example: ศรัณย์ ศานติศาสน์ (2561)
                                         Citation before the text is Sarntisart (2018).
                                   or  Citation after the text is (Sarntisart, 2018).

                     In case the citation of English documents, write only the last name of the author and year.
                For example, the work by Hafas Furqani and Ratna Mulyany in 2009
                                         Citation before the text is Furqani and Mulyany (2009).
                                   or  Citation after the text is (Furqani & Mulyany, 2009).

                If the author refers to Thai sources, the reference must be in English by mentioning last name,  initial. middle initial. (if any) year (Christian Year) and the sources of information.
                 For example, ศรัณย ศานติศาสน์. (2561). สถาบันการเงินอิสลามกับการเติบโตทางเศรษฐกิจในสามจังหวัดชายแดนภาคใต้. วารสารวิทยาการจัดการ, 35(1), 27-50.
                 Translated into: Sarntisart, S. (2018). Islamic Financial Institutions and Economics Growth in the Three Southern Border Provinces. Journal of Management Science, 35(1), 27-50.

                 If the author refers to English sources, write the author’s last name, initial. middle initial. (if any) year (Christian Year) and sources of information.
                 For example: Furqani, H., & Mulyany, R. (2009). Islamic banking and economic growth: Empirical evidence from Malaysia. Journal of Economic Cooperation & Development, 30(2), 59-74.