Objectives of Publication
               To disseminate new ideas and concepts in the field of business administration, as well as management in the private and public-sectors.

Scope of Publication
               The following fields of study can be submitted
                          - Management
                          - Accounting
                          - Finance
                          - Marketing
                          - Information system
                          - Human resources management
                          - Logistics management
                          - MICE management
                          - Tourism management
                          - Public administration
                          - Managerial economics

Target Group of Publication
               Acceptance considerations are made for manuscripts authored by lecturers, researchers, academicians, and graduate students.

Types of Manuscripts
               Research articles and review articles in both Thai and English.

Publication Frequency
               SJMS publishes 2 volumes annually: Volume 1: January - June and Volume 2: July - December.

Consideration of Reviewers
               Manuscripts submitted to the journal undergo a rigorous review process. First, the editorial team conducts a preliminary review. Next, each manuscript is sent to at least three reviewers in the field related to the manuscript's topic for a thorough evaluation of its content. This review process is conducted using a double-blind approach, ensuring that the panel of reviewers do not have access to the author's information, and conversely, the author does not have access to the information of the reviewers. This helps maintain the impartiality and integrity of the review process, ensuring the quality of the published manuscripts.

Review Process
               Manuscripts must be submitted to the editor online at https://www.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jms_psu. Manuscripts must not have been previously published or under consideration for publishing by other journals or by any conferences. Manuscripts submitted to SJMS must be reviewed by the editorial team and the reviewers in the related fields as follows:
                    1. When the manuscript has been submitted to the editorial team, the author will be informed.
                    2. The manuscript will be first screened by the editorial team to check for the format as required by the journal. Manuscript that do not conform to this requirement will be returned to the author for revision before the peer review process is undertaken.
                    3. The manuscript will be checked by the editorial team for the scope and the content and whether they have conformed to the objectives of the journal.
                    4. If the manuscript passes the initial consideration by the editorial team as in points 2. and 3., the editorial team will notify the author to pay the fee for submitting the manuscript for further consideration. (See details of fee collection in the topic “Rate of Journal Fees”). However, if the manuscript does not pass the initial consideration by the editorial team as in item 2. or item 3., the editorial team will inform the author of the refusal to consider the manuscript.
                    5. After the author has paid the fee, the editorial team will send the manuscript to reviewers in the field related to the manuscript for further evaluation of the manuscript's quality by sending it to at least three reviewers per manuscript. The reviewers will not know the information about the author of the manuscript and the author of the manuscript will not know the information of the reviewers as well (double-blind).
                    6. When the reviewers have completed the reviews, the editorial team will further consider the comments from the reviewers and make a decision about the publication.
                    7. The editorial team will communicate the results of the quality assessment of the manuscript by the reviewers to the authors. If the assessment, as outlined in item No.6, where the manuscript passes the review, the author will receive notification to make the necessary adjustments to the manuscript in accordance with the recommendations provided by the reviewers and the editorial team (if any). The timeframe for these adjustments will be determined by the editorial team and should be completed within a reasonable period.   However, if the assessment, as described in item No.6, in case manuscript was rejected, the author will be notified along with the evaluation results from the reviewers.
                    8. In the case where the revision of the revised manuscript is still incomplete, the editorial team will notify the author to make further corrections. Moreover, the editorial team can refuse to accept the publication of the manuscript for corrections at that time and the manuscript will not be considered for publication in SJMS.
                    9. For each adjustment, the editorial team will check the appropriateness of the title of the manuscript, the abstract, the content, the references, and other details as suggested by the reviewers and the editorial team, as well as the manuscript format as requested by the editorial team. If the author cannot meet the deadline as requested by the editorial team, it will be considered that the author has withdrawn from the publication in SJMS.
                    10. When the editorial team has reviewed the revised manuscript, it is considered that the manuscript should be published in the SJMS. The editorial team will issue a certificate of publication to the authors of the manuscript. Because the editorial team publishes the journal in book form. In the case where the number of pages exceeds the number of pages specified by the editorial team, authors of manuscript will be charged additional fees for any excess pages. (See details of fee collection in the topic “Rate of Journal Fee”)

               Importantly, the editorial team has the right to adjust the correctness of data and the format as required in order to be consistent. The editorial team has the right to reject or accept the manuscript if necessary.

               All published manuscripts are considered as SJMS’s copyright. However, SJMS allows them to be reduplicated, copied, and disseminated academically.

Rate of Journal Fee
               The fee for submitting a manuscript to SJMS is 2,500 Baht. (This fee is payable when the manuscript is initially accepted by the editorial team and before it is submitted to the reviewers.)
               Remarks: The payment of the publication fee for submitting the manuscript does not guarantee that the submitted manuscript will be published in the SJMS. The manuscript has to pass the review process by the reviewers and the editorial team. The author will be informed of final result by the editorial team. Importantly, the editorial team will not refund the publication fee to the author whether the manuscript is published or not.

Open Access Policy
               This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.

               Faculty of Management Sciences, Prince of Songkla University
               15 Kanjanavanich Rd., Hat Yai, Songkhla, Thailand 90112