Causal Relationship Model of Purchase Intention on Cultural Tour in Thailand via Facebook of the Consumers in Bangkok and its Vicinity
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This research aimed at developing a causal relationship model of purchase intention on cultural tour in Thailand via Facebook of the consumers in Bangkok and its vicinity and verifying the model’s consistency with empirical data. The samples were 400 people who had an experience in purchasing cultural tours in Thailand via Facebook (obtained by convenience sampling). The research instrument was online questionnaire. The data was analyzed by the Structural Equation Model, containing four groups of factors namely (1) Electronic Word of Mouth, (2) Destination Image, (3) Attitude Toward Destination, and (4) Purchase Intention on Cultural Tour.
The result found that the proposed causal model fitted very well with empirical data. The R-Square of the model was 0.96, indicating that the structural model explained 96 percent of the outcome of the purchase intention on cultural tour in Thailand via Facebook. The factors influencing the purchase intention, ordered by the size of total effect (from the largest to the smallest), were (1) Electronic Word of Mouth (total effect 0.91), (2) Attitude Toward Destination (total effect 0.61), and (3) Destination Image (total effect 0.46). The result was beneficial to cultural tour operators and offered several suggestions. The tour operators should post engaging cultural contents and beautiful and historically valuable images and make their travel services well-known to travelers in order to encourage word of mouth among travelers and promote purchase intention of Thai travelers who favor cultural tour.
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