Thai Airport Operator’s Knowledge Management During COVID-19
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Airports worldwide, including Thailand, have been affected by a number of factors, including, but not limited to, competition between major airport hubs, emerging technologies, and pandemic. During the COVID-19 pandemic, obtaining critical knowledge and employing knowledge management (KM) to successfully execute airport operations have been necessary. To cope with such challenges, this study has the following objectives: 1) to conduct a SWOT analysis of airports operator’s KM implementation during COVID-19; 2) to conduct a TOWS Matrix analysis to identify KM strategies for the airport operator in the post COVID-19 period. Using a qualitative method and purposive sampling technique, Airports worldwide, including Thailand, have been affected by a number of factors, including, but not limited to, competition between major airport hubs, emerging technologies, and pandemic. During the COVID-19 pandemic, obtaining critical knowledge and employing knowledge management (KM) to successfully execute airport operations have been necessary. To cope with such challenges, this study has the following objectives: 1) to conduct a SWOT analysis of airports operator’s KM implementation during COVID-19; 2) to conduct a TOWS Matrix analysis to identify KM strategies for the airport operator in the post COVID-19 period. Using a qualitative method and purposive sampling technique,
Based on TOWS Matrix analysis, this study has formulated the following groups of strategy for airport KM. 1. Utilizing the strengths of airport knowledge, resources and policy, and a cross functional learning system to maximize the opportunities of creating an agile work process and enabling a digital learning organization. 2. Overcoming weaknesses in KM motivation, communication, and culture by maximizing the opportunities of KM customization, an agile team, and a digital platform. 3. Highlighting the strengths of airport knowledge as well as KM policy and resources to overcome external threats to ensure the airport's continued relevance and success. 4. Minimizing the internal weaknesses of KM to avoid threats such as digital disruption, pandemic, and the loss of critical knowledge due to retired employees. This study also recommends research areas that are relevant to the future development of KM implementation for airport operators.
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