The Acceptance of Thai Consumers towards Thai Green Label Appliances Products

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Asst. Prof. Surangkana Na Nakorn
Asst. Prof. Adilla Pongyeela, Ph.D.


The purposes of this research were: 1) To study the opinions of Thai consumers about the adoption process of Electrical Green Label Products; and 2) To compare the levels of opinions through the adoption process of the products classified by demographic background of consumers and their green consumer behaviors. This quantitative study used the survey method with 400 Thai consumers throughout the country, and using multi-stages random sampling. The questionnaire was approved by testing validity (IOC = 0.79) and reliability (Alfa= 0.87- 0.91). Descriptive statistics were used for analysis, and tested hypotheses by t-test and F-test, and continued testing with LSD when the differences were found. The main findings revealed 1) The adoption process of the products were 1) Awareness stage: consumers knew the products at moderate level. 2) Interest stage: consumers paid attention at high level. 3) Evaluation stage: consumers evaluated at high level. 4) Trial stage: consumers tried at high level

and 5) Adoption stage: consumers accepted the products at high level; and (2) Comparisons of the opinions of consumers through the adoption process found that 1) Consumers who had different genders had different opinions about awareness. Male had higher awareness level than female. Consumers who had different ages had different opinions in adoption stages. Consumers who had ages more than 46 years old had higher adoption level than 26-35 years old consumers. 2) Consumers who had different green products consumption behaviors had different adoption process in awareness stage, interest stage and adoption stage at 0.05 level of significance. The conventional green had less awareness and less acceptance than the active green and the drifter green. Then, it is recommended that the producers should provide knowledge and understanding about green label electrical products through personal selling and social media, along with participating in the green products exhibition at national level to gain more acceptance from consumers.

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How to Cite
Na Nakorn, S., & Pongyeela, A. (2024). The Acceptance of Thai Consumers towards Thai Green Label Appliances Products. Journal of International Studies, Prince of Songkla University, 14(1), 123–141. retrieved from
Research Articles
Author Biographies

Asst. Prof. Surangkana Na Nakorn, Faculty of Communication Arts, Dhurakij Pundit University



Asst. Prof. Adilla Pongyeela, Ph.D., College of Innovative Business and Accountancy, Dhurakij Pundit University




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