Needs and guidelines for the development of an enrichment curriculum to enhance reading literacy for student teachers of Thai language major

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Sueksa Benjakul
Asst. Prof. Dr. Siriwan Vanichwatanavorachai
Asst. Prof. Dr. Chonasith Sithsungnoen
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Marut Patphol


The objectives of this study are to: 1) investigate the needs for the development of an enrichment curriculum to enhance reading literacy for student teachers of Thai language majors; and 2) analyze the development guidelines for such a curriculum, Faculty of Education, Nakhon Si Thammarat Rajabhat University. The researcher examined and analyzed the data from the literature studies, asked 144 students about their needs, interviewed 5 administrators, and held focus groups discussion with 7 instructors. The research instruments included a document analysis form, a questionnaire, a structured interview form, and guidelines for focus group discussions. Mean and standard deviation were used to examine quantitative data, whereas inductive content analysis was used to assess qualitative data.  

The results of this study indicate that: 1) the study of needs for the development of an enrichment curriculum to enhance reading literacy for student teachers of Thai language major, the needs of students were at a high level. According to comments made on the needs of administrators and instructors, there were 5 topics: (1) Responding to the policy of 21st century teacher training and development; (2) A model of curriculum and learning management innovation; (3) A new learning management in the digital era; (4) Developing learners' proficiency with digital technology; (5) Providing policy recommendations.   

2) The results of the guidelines analysis for the development of an enrichment curriculum to enhance Reading Literacy for student teachers of Thai language major, by analyzing the qualitative data. The following 6 approaches, which were analyzed to be effective: (1) Utilizing active learning and competency-based instruction; (2) Developing student attributes; (3) Teaching advanced reading; (4) Encouraging involvement in reading and social learning; (5) Implementing adaptive testing; (6) Creating the learning environments that support digital reading.


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How to Cite
Benjakul , S., Vanichwatanavorachai , S., Sithsungnoen, C., & Patphol, M. (2022). Needs and guidelines for the development of an enrichment curriculum to enhance reading literacy for student teachers of Thai language major. Journal of International Studies, Prince of Songkla University, 12(2), 294–321. retrieved from
Research Articles
Author Biography

Sueksa Benjakul , Faculty of Education, Silpakorn University

Ph.D. Candidate (Curriculum and Instruction)


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