An investigation of senior tourist’s expectations and satisfaction: a case study of Andaman Provinces, Thailand

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Patthawee Insuwanno
Asst. Prof. Dr. Kullada Phetvaroon


This research paper aims to examine the senior tourist behaviour visiting Andaman provinces, Thailand, and to investigate the senior tourists’ expectations and satisfaction with the destination attributes. A questionnaire survey was well developed based on a comprehensive review of senior tourism. The data used in this study was collected from senior tourists who turned 55 years old and above and who visited Andaman provinces (Phuket, Phang-Nga, and Krabi). The gap analysis and hypothesis testing were approached to investigate senior tourists' perception of the destination attributes. In the context of this study, there are five key destination attributes explored. The findings found that the senior tourists had a positive perception towards the beach, accommodation, facilities, variety and taste of local food, attractions, and activities. In contradiction, the negative perception has occurred in the following attributes; logistics and safety, food hygiene, overall cleanliness of the destination, and price and value for money. Based on the findings, local authorities, marketers, and policymakers can design strategies or find any methods to fulfil senior tourists’ expectations and increase their satisfaction.

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How to Cite
Insuwanno, P., & Phetvaroon, K. . (2022). An investigation of senior tourist’s expectations and satisfaction: a case study of Andaman Provinces, Thailand. Journal of International Studies, Prince of Songkla University, 12(2), 28–61. retrieved from
Research Articles
Author Biographies

Patthawee Insuwanno, Faculty of Hospitality and Tourism, Prince of Songkla University, Phuket Campus

Lecturer, Faculty of Hospitality and Tourism

Asst. Prof. Dr. Kullada Phetvaroon, Faculty of Hospitality and Tourism, Prince of Songkla University, Phuket Campus

Assistant Professor, Ph.D., Lecturer, Faculty of Hospitality and Tourism


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